I do regret that updates have become less frequent on our blog. I really don't want to slip from once a day to once a week, because I know that can be frustrating for all the folks waiting for an update from Dillingham. As a result, I'm posting tonight even though there isn't much to post about.
I understand that, against all reason, some people haven't seen the original three Star Wars films with enough frequency to be able to quote significant portions of them. Nevertheless, I want everyone to know that when someone says "Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!", the appropriate response is "Then I'll see you in hell!"*
As you can imagine, this exchange has great utility here in the great white north. The problem is that very few folks know the proper response to the initial line. I said it today to Samara, and she looked at me blankly, despite the fact that I've used the line before.
The weather today was different. It rained and snowed. And snained, if you don't mind inventing new words. It was 34 degrees, which allowed for both. It was also blowing wind at 34 mph. Unpleasant to say the least, and I'm sure this rain will freeze and make things even ickier. At least we have a remote starter on the car now.
I think I mentioned before that we very nearly had a foster baby over Thanksgiving on an emergency basis. They found a home for the baby, which we assumed was either a family member of the baby or a native foster home (that's generally preferred for native children). Well, it turns out that the baby ended up with a non-native foster family that already has a number of foster children. That just doesn't seem right. We're going to go ahead and fill out the foster parent licensing application so that if another baby needs emergency shelter, we're ready to step in and take care of it.
* The pair of quotes is from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. It is an exchange between Han Solo, who is using the tauntaun creature as a mount to head out and look for the missing Luke, and an anonymous Rebel Alliance soldier.
Slippery Slope?
13 years ago
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