Thursday, August 7, 2008

In the middle of packing

I just wanted to give everyone an update as to where we are in the packing situation.
As you can see from the pictures, stuff is everywhere! I hate the way it is, but I believe that this is what is supposed to happen before you move...rooms a'splode.

Tucked neatly in what is currently the front room (but I've heard that it is going to become a bedroom), is everything that is going in the yard sale on Saturday. It's a mess and I'm looking forward to being able to see the floor again.

And this is the mess that I call my bedroom. We have started to pack up the clothes we are going to take on the trip, on the plane and what is going to be shipped via USPS.

Oh and we have bought our plane tickets! We are to leave Seattle on the 26 at 8:00am and arrive in Dillingham some time around 2:00pm.

That's all I really have for you right now. Enjoy.


Aleks said...

Wow, that looks like a lot of fun! Kinda resembles my house right now...

Dennis said...

If you need more boxes, let me know. I'll try to scrounge up some that the cleaning staff won't throw away. :)